Kappa Alpha Theta was the first Greek-letter fraternity for women and was founded on the principles of attaining the highest scholarship and influencing the campus, community, and world for good. We exist to nurture each member throughout thier college and alumnae experience. Joining a Greek-letter organization is a wonderful way to meet other women in pursuit of a college degree, gain leadership skills, serve the community, and establish lifelong friendships.
There are many organizations we can join as collegians and alumnae. However, Theta isn’t like other organizations; we’re different. Our members are different. We aren’t afraid to stand out; to be authentic or to make a difference together. It may not always be easy, but it’s
unwavering and real. We are women supporting women, and we inspire one another to be our best selves every day.
We’ve been doing this since our founding at Indiana Asbury College (now DePauw University) on January 27, 1870. But we can actually trace our beginnings to three years earlier—specifically, September 11, 1867, when Alice Allen, Laura Beswick, Bettie Locke, and Mary Simmons entered Asbury as its first women students. They were taunted by male students who feared that the admission of women students would sully the college’s reputation, and they endured both tacit and overt discrimination from faculty and townspeople. In establishing Kappa Alpha Theta, our founders created a women’s fraternity in which they could learn, grow, support one another, and be part of something larger than themselves. In her later years, Bettie Locke Hamilton wrote, “We realized somehow that we weren’t going to college just for ourselves, but for all the girls who would follow after us, if we could just win out.”
In Theta, we believe the bonds of sisterhood are something that can never be broken. We are so grateful to be surrounded by a group of charismatic, intelligent, and caring women. Each semester, in order to strengthen our ties as sisters, we organize a series of fun and exciting events.
Aside from formally planned events, we support our sisters by cheering them on in their endeavors outside of Theta as well. All of our sisters have found their home in Theta and take comfort in knowing that wherever we go, there is always a sister nearby.

One of our ideals is service, and the Eta Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta values such with high regards. The women of Eta Sigma work together, on and off of Chapman's campus, to create a better world for others. ​
CASA BALL & Katwalk
Service is an essential part of Kappa Alpha Theta. We come together to support CASA, our national philanthropy, as well other organizations within the Orange County area. Each semester we take part in various philanthropy and service events— it’s a great way to spend time with one another while benefiting the Chapman and Orange County community.
Service takes a different shape for every sister—some volunteer at the Orange County Food Bank, teach classes to local underprivileged youth, participate in Relay for Life, or help clean up local beaches. Regardless of what the service may be, we complete hundreds of hours as a chapter.
We are so proud to announce that as a result of our sisters' dedication to serving others, our chapter won Outstanding Service at the Chapman Greek Awards in 2017.

Kappa Alpha Theta is proud to support Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). CASA is an organization that provides mentors for abused, abandoned, and neglected children. These mentors establish close bonds with the children, as they interact one-on-one and serve as a voice for the children during the judicial process. The Eta Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta supports CASA in a number of ways. This includes donations resulting from our annual philanthropic fundraising event, KATWalk. After this past year's KATWalk (2017), we were able to raise over $7,000 thanks to help of the Greek Community and our donors.
We are also proud to support the Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation whose mission is "to secure and manage resources for the educational, leadership, and philanthropic programs of the Fraternity and for the scholastic, professional, and service pursuits of its members to help them reach their fullest potential and make a difference in the world." They are dedicated to raising money for scholarships, as well as leadership and educational grants to help
Thetas achieve their dreams. This year, we
were able to raise enough money to give a scholarship to our very own Eta Sigma!
Each year we raise money for our philanthropies, CASA and the Theta Foundation, through our philanthropy events Casa Ball and KatWalk. For Casa Ball, every Chapman University Greek chapter is invited to partake in a thrilling game of dodgeball, while KatWalk is a talent competition where teams from each Greek chapter compete with a performance of their choice.
All proceeds from fundraising efforts go to the Orange County chapter of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), an organization that has become a prominent leader in the fight against child abuse and the Theta Foundation, our dedicated partner in supporting our sisters.

Theta Bid Day 2024!
Joining a sorority helps young women gain their home away from home and form bonds that will last a lifetime. Most Greek women consider joining a sorority to be one of the best decisions of their college career. We would not be the women we are today without Kappa Alpha Theta.
During the recruitment process, potential new members meet women of each organization, while making friends with those in their recruitment groups. Even if you think that Greek Life may not be for you, keep an open mind! You will find that recruitment can be a wonderful way to make new friends and get acclimated to your surroundings. Recruitment at Chapman is not only fun but life-changing!
MEET OUR VP of Membership

Hello all!
My name is Karolina Bodzianowski and I am serving as 2024-2025 Vice President of Membership of the Eta Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta at Chapman University. My role is to plan and execute both formal recruitment in the Spring and, if applicable, plan and execute Continous Open Bidding sessions. I also will run several Recruitment schools in the Fall, so that the whole chapter is ready and prepped to welcome in a new pledge class! When I first joined Theta, my GBIG had this position on the executive board, and watching her plan an amazing recruitment inspired me to apply when it became my turn. The word Membership means so much more than just being apart of something. For me, it means love, friendship, support, and joy. I’ve always loved the recruitment process, and these qualities are so spotlighted within recruitment. I’m looking forward to working with my fabulous executive team and to create a wonderful recruitment! Theta love and mine! <3
If you have any questions about recruitment, please contact me. My contact information is 720-323-5480 and vpm@chapmantheta.org.
All the best,
Karolina Bodzianowski
VP Membership
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Ask a Chapman Theta what makes her chapter unique and she'll tell you about how intelligent, courageous, and passionate her sisters are. Theta promotes the individuality of each sister but is strengthened by the common values that bring us together. We are empowered and inspired by our sisters.
Below is a list of all members, officers, and officer contact information.
Abby Van Hoak
Alana Firsty
Allyson Merritt
Analisa Vavoso
Anastasia Beers
Ashley Zamora
Audrey Rabang
Ava Alvarez
Ava Fayman
Avy Ludwig
Becca Wilkinson
Bella Boeri
Bolette Jepsen
Carina Nunes
Caroline Alley
Caroline Linton
Caroline Maltz
Cassandra Tung
Cassie Kwan
Catherine Trageser
Charlotte Burchetta
Dakota Booker
Dylan Limp
Eden Bahatt
Elise Donovan
Eliza Gibbs
Eliza Gilburt
Elizabeth Delli
Ella Stevenson
Elizabeth Hao
Elle Nandy
Emily Meyer
Emily Tapay
Emma Farris
Emma Ippolito
Emma Villegas
Emory Hodges
Francesca Thompson
Francesca Cademartori
Francesca Capristo
Gebby Simpson
Gigi Oliversmith
Gigi Miller
Greta Cifarelli
Hannah Manneh
Heidi Wakefield
Isabella Warren
Izzy Painter
Izzy Medvitz
Izzy Epstein
Jane Sacon
Jenna Roselli
Joanna Ciudad
Jordan Begun
Joy Kim
Kaitlyn Lopez
Kalia Cordero
Karolina Bodzianowski
Katelyn Ko
Kayla Levin
Kaylee Scott
Kendra Chung
Kerri Licari
Kylee Cabral
Kayleigh Gilbert
Kylie Seppala
Lange Grover
Laura Le
Lauren Delany
Lauren Roberson
Lindsay Brett
Lindsey Graves
Lucy Bagnato
Lucy Netherland
Maddie Spiecker
Madison McMinn
Madeline Sweeney
Madison MacPherson
Maegan Buela
Mahika Churiwala
Maika Suaya
Maleena Gaji
Maria Kharitoniuk
Marissa Cheng
Maxine Shirakura
Maya Malka
Mckenzie MacPherson
Mia Sassi
Micah Kim
MJ Fields
Morgan Albert
Morgan May
Morgan Romine
Nicole Milani
Nicole Kavros
Nicole Medina
Noelle Salcido
Raine Conti
Riley Wood
Romi Blackstone
Rory Sullivan
Ruari Huston
Rose Cooney
Ruby Link
Sara Kersnowski
Sarah Hildebrand
Sarah Steinhauer
Sarrah Wilkes
Sayde Pianko
Saylor Bents
Serena Park
Skyler Poiley
Sophia Bachoura
Sophia Beroukhim
Sophia Bliss
Sophie Burrough
Sophia Matuch
Sydney Lasensky
Sydney Mealer-Burke
Tahli Bash
Tessa Garner
Thea Krause
Veronica Farquhar
Zaphera Fidelis
Exec & OFFICERS 2024

President president@chapmantheta.org

VP Operations vpo@chapmantheta.org

VP Education vpe@chapmatheta.org

VP Finance vpf@chapmantheta.org

VP Membership vpm@chapmatheta.org

VP Panhellenic vpp@chapmatheta.org

VP External Affairs vpea@chapmantheta.org

VP DEI vpdei@chapmantheta.org

Executive Assistant execassistant@chapmatheta.org

HR Director hr@chapmantheta.org

Events Director events@chapmantheta.org

Ritualist ritualist@chapmantheta.org

Scholarship Director scholarship@chapmantheta.org

Recruitment Director recruitment@chapmantheta.org

Facility Management Director facilities@chapmantheta.org

New Member Director newmemberdirector@chapmantheta.org

Finance Assistant finance@chapmantheta.org

Recruitment Data Assistant rda@chapmantheta.org

Fundraising Director fundraising@chapmantheta.org

Online Media Director onlinemediadirector@chapmantheta.org

Service Director service@chapmantheta.org

Panhellenic Assistant panhellenicassistant@chapmantheta.org

Archivist historian@chapmantheta.org

Alumnae Engagement Director alumengagement@chapmantheta.org
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